There are currently over 15,000 yachts in the world large enough to require professional, qualified yacht crew and as a result this industry is growing rapidly each year.
A career in yachting can be rewarding, exciting and a wonderful opportunity to travel the world and explore new horizons!
Wherever there is water, you have the potential to go. Traditionally the yachting industry in the Mediterranean runs from April until September and from November to April in the States & Caribbean. Having said that, the possibilities are endless with many yachts circumnavigating the world.
Yachting is an eye opening, ultimately fun industry that demands hard work, perfection and attention to detail. We work with yacht crew every day and have a deep insight into what new crew should do to make the most of their career. Here are our top ten tips for starting out.
You cannot work on board a luxury yacht without getting your basic qualifications first. Bluewater offers a full range of crew training courses for those just starting in the industry:
We have a sample copy and lots of relevant advice on creating your first yachting CV within our 'Your CV' section.
Certain times of year are more favourable for new crew looking to join the industry. If you are going to Antibes or Palma, we advise end of March/April. Fort Lauderdale is different in that it is sunny most of the year, however there is a peak recruitment season around November each year.
In every yachting hub you will find english speaking bars and cafes filled with yacht crew. Make sure you go and explore to build your network within yachting. Although global, it is a small industry so make sure to present yourself professionally.
Finding your first position in yachting is the hardest. Make sure you are dock walking, looking for day work opportunities and handing out your CV. You may find that one day's work leads to a permanent role or other job interviews.
Read websites, follow yachting news, learn from other crew who were in your 'deck shoes' a few years ago. Good examples of yachting websites & magazines are:
Apply for jobs, manage your course bookings and sign up for events.
You can buy pay as you go SIM cards either in newsagents or specialised telephone shops around the Mediterranean. This will help to save you money when job hunting!
Captains check Facebook and Twitter pages before interviews. Make sure any public images of you are professional and will not reduce your chances of employment. Once employed be sure to avoid any posts about your yachts, current location and inappropriate images.
A smart, professional appearance will win over shorts and a beach top.
Set up an international bank account if required. Find out more about Standard Bank's unique current account available exclusively to yacht crew here.
When filling in your online profile with us, make sure to only select positions that you are qualified to do onboard. Selecting more than 3-4 positions on your profile can confuse potential employers and effect our search results.
Your CV should be no more than two sides of A4, including your photograph (in colour, face on, without sunglasses).
Your CV should be in a word format to ensure it can be opened easily by all employers.
List all recent contact information, references and work history.
Including a personal statement, along with a clear objective can help distinguish you from other candidates and helps prospective employers grasp your long term goals.
Don't give employers an excuse to dismiss your CV, review and spell check it!
Knowledge is power and the more you research, the more informed & on the ball you will be.
Make sure you have a printed copy of your CV with you and always arrive early and dressed in a smart way. Research the yacht, make yourself prepared & don't be afraid to ask questions.
The key to getting your first job is to network! Always carry a copy of your CV with you.
Remember the industry is a tight, professional network therefore it is crucial to communicate with others, walk the docks, distribute your CV and register with crew agencies. Bluewater is one of the longest-established crew agents - we have been finding people yacht jobs since 1991!
Keep the agencies up to date! Always make sure your profile has the correct location and contact numbers for you so we can get hold of you when we have the perfect role for you.
Your profile is essential to us finding you work, both now and in the future. We rely on the information you input to match you to the right jobs, so please make sure it is up to date and at least 85% complete. We receive thousands of vacancies each year, and search our database for the best candidates for each one... You will hear from us more often if you are checking in regularly! Once you find work you can set your profile to 'Not Available'.