We all know that meal times while working onboard yachts can be very unscheduled and a bit all over the place, especially on yacht charter or during busy spells. Indulging in the delicious ‘easy to get your hands on’ foods such as, bread, cheese bites, chocolate bars, cookies and those other moreish delights that hang around in your crew mess become extremely easy.
Another aspect of an unhealthy regime onboard is when you have a busy yacht charter and you don’t have time to sit down, enjoy your meal or digest it normally.
It’s very easy to substitute meals with unhealthy snacking.
The other slight problem that comes with yachting is, that you don’t make your own food. You have a talented yacht chef that does this for you. Obviously this is beyond fabulous however as everyone's metabolism works differently, not being in control of what you are eating is often not so fabulous…
In every-day life while not working on yachts we have ways of controlling our weight; going to the gym, running, purchasing organic foods, eating the correct amounts at the right times. All of these factors come into play while watching our weight can be very hard, if not impossible to control onboard!
Do not be defeated, try and work around this you will need to make the best of the situation… A healthy crew is a happy crew!
Good food choices are most important. You have to be strong and avoid the sugary, wonderfully calorific delights (if your chef has chosen to make them), and try to opt for the healthier option. Fatty foods onboard will slow your fitness and fatigue down, make you tired, and make your uniforms tighter!