How did I start in yachting?

Following my Bachelor of Science degree, I emigrated to Australia and discovered the world of yachting, a great opportunity to pay off some of my student debts!

What am I doing currently?

I’m at home in Ireland getting ready to return to the yacht for the Caribbean season, where I’ll be spending any free time getting stuck into some revision for my courses.

When will I start on the SV programme?

I need 7 more months’ sea service before being able to register onto the SV program, then I expect to start my courses in September 2022.

My plans for the next year?

To complete the remainder of the sea time I require, do the Advanced Safety courses, and start working through my training record book.

About me

When I’m not working at sea, I usually like to spend my time off the beaten track, searching for good places to surf and experiencing new cultures and wildlife.